Header.higher quality 
March 28, 2014  
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County Health Rankings Released
Kane County is the 9th healthiest in Illinois, according to new rankings!
Kane County is ranked #9 in the annual County Health Rankings, which provide county-to-county comparisons within a state.  The Rankings allow counties to see how well they are doing on 29 factors that influence health including smoking, high school graduation rates, employment, physical inactivity, and access to healthy foods  This year's Rankings feature several new measures including housing, transportation, and access to mental health providers. 


Many of the measures are related to goals and strategies found in the Kane County Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), Fit Kids 2020 Plan, 2040 Plan, and 2040 Transportation Plan. Access to healthy food choices, proximity to recreational opportunities, and work commuting time are all measures included in the Rankings this year.


To learn more about the Rankings, visit http://www.countyhealthrankings.org/



Making Kane County Fit for Kids!
Grant funding available to reverse the toll of childhood obesity by the year 2020

In March, the Making Kane County Fit for Kids campaign took steps to increase input from community experts to help guide interventions and to maximize data collection.  Representatives from a variety of disciplines were asked to serve on one of  three new groups that include: a Fit for Kids evaluation team, an active living advisory group and a healthy eating advisory group.  All three groups came together for an initial meeting on March 5 for a very engaging dialogue around Fit for Kids and the many accomplishments the community has made to reduce childhood obesity. A review of community "bright spots" was presented along with current research around the most successful interventions to increase physical activity and healthy eating. Participants also engaged in an interactive session to identify key data that could be collected and potential focus areas for future work. 


All of the information that the community experts shared was organized into a survey and was sent to members for prioritization.  After reviewing the options and the evidence base, the following priorities were selected as the key focus areas for Fit for Kids for immediate action:


Priority 1: Enhance Physical Education in Schools


Priority 2: Establish & Implement Criteria for Fit for Kids Designated Community, School, etc...


Priority 3: Improve Community Design to Promote Physical Activity


Priority 4: Implement Health Care Initiatives and Education Opportunities that Promote Active Living and Healthy Eating


Priority 5: Support and Improve the Local Food System


A total $100,000 of grant funding will be made available to community groups in the coming weeks to implement interventions that address these priorities.  For more information, please see


Applications Now Being Accepted for the 2014 Riverboat Fund Program
Advance your local projects by taking advantage of this opportunity!

The Kane County Riverboat Fund Program provides financial aid for projects or programs that strengthen Kane County's communities and government through efforts in education, environment, and economic development and emphasize addressing Kane County problems and providing long-term solutions. 

Local government and non-profit entities are eligible to apply  for funding that will advance a local program or project that addresses at least one of the following principles: 
  • Education: Kane County seeks to promote or enhance educational and training programs and initiatives that address community and government improvement issues.
  • Environment: Kane County encourages programs and projects that address a broad spectrum of environmental issues.
  • Economic Development: Kane County supports initiatives that promote economic and community development. 
    2014 Kane County OCR Riverboat Fund Video
    2014 Kane County OCR Riverboat Fund Video
Applications are due April 7, 2014. Learn more about project eligibility and how to apply here. Fill out the application here. 

Please contact the Office of Community Reinvestment with
Measuring Sprawl 2014
Smart Growth America webinar examines regional sprawl across the U.S.

On April 2nd, Smart Growth America will host a webinar to relay information about the state of development in the United States. Measuring Sprawl 2014 will analyze development patterns in 221 metropolitan areas and their counties, and will evaluate which regions are the most and least sprawling in the country. The report will take a look at how life in each region is related to development patterns. It will particularly explore how economic mobility, life expectancy, household costs, health, safety and transportation options are affected by development patterns.

This webinar will be a great way to learn about the most innovative and up-to-date smart growth strategies and also see how our region compares to others on the national level.  
To register, or to learn more about this exciting opportunity
New Posts on Food & Farm- Kane County Blog!

Visit our blog, Food & Farms - Kane County, for new posts focused on local food and agriculture. Recent posts include a listing of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs open for 2014 subscriptions, educational opportunities, and Kane County's feature in Illinois AgriNews.




Guest writers are welcome! Please contact Ellen Johnson if interested. 



Citizens' Institute of Rural Design - Request for Proposals
Proactively address your community's design issues with this great opportunity!

The Citizens' Institute of Rural Design (CIRD) has issued a request for proposals to rural communities facing design challenges. These challenges could include; main street revitalization projects, effectively planning transportation systems, protecting agricultural lands and preserving natural landscapes and historic buildings.

CIRD works to help rural communities with populations of 50,000 or fewer enhance their quality of life and economic vitality through facilitated design workshops. CIRD brings local leaders, non-profits and community organizations together with experts in planning, design, preservation and place-making - all in an effort to help communities address pressing design challenges and to put design tools into the hands of the people who can create local change.
Successful applicants will receive a $7,000 stipend and in-kind professional design expertise and technical assistance valued at $35,000.
The deadline for submitting a proposal is May 6, 2014. 
Click here to learn more about this terrific opportunity!

Considering an application? Contact County staff to see how Kane County can help! hanlonbrett@co.kane.il.us

Kane County Planning Cooperative
Brett Hanlon, Land Use Planner - (630) 232-3491 - hanlonbrett@co.kane.il.us or kcplancoop@co.kane.il.us

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Kane County Planning Cooperative | 719 S. Batavia Ave. | Geneva | IL | 60134